Announcing Our Exciting New Partnership With Digital River

The team at Asquared Agency is thrilled to announce our exciting new partnership with Digital River. If that name rings a bell for you, there’s a good reason why – every year, Digital River processes billions of dollars of transactions on behalf of their clients around the globe. You may have unknowingly purchased from a Digital River client, and had the notation “Digital River” appear on your credit card.

Asquared Agency is your go-to agency for WordPress web development. Now with the announcement of our Digital River partnership, we can continue to provide you with the top-class expert WordPress + WooCommerce development services you’ve come to expect from us, while integrating global commerce solutions tailored to your company’s individual needs and expectations.

Digital River In A Nutshell

Founded back in 1994, Digital River is headquartered in Minnesota in the United States. During its 26 years of continuous operation, Digital River has revolutionized global marketing services and commerce solutions, processing billions of dollars in online transactions every year.

Digital River prides itself on assisting businesses in all industries and of all sizes to achieve global expansion. Anyone who has ever helped take a local business to the global marketplace would know that risks, complications, and new challenges continue to arise with every global marketplace unlocked. Digital River has the technology and processes firmly in place to help any business navigate taxation issues, fraud avoidance, legal compliance, and local payment processing difficulties. With Digital River on your side, never again will you need to concern yourself with complex legal and practical issues that can occur when you conduct business in unfamiliar jurisdictions. Perhaps most importantly, Digital River provides a seamless commerce experience for your customers, both local and offshore, allowing people to transact with you using their preferred payment methods.

Here’s What Digital River Has To Offer

Customized Consumer Experience

No two businesses are the same, and no two online shopping experiences should be treated as identical. 

Customers expect a different shopping experience when purchasing online groceries than they do, for example, when buying a large ticket item. Digital River works closely with its clients, learning everything they can about the end consumers’ buying habits and preferences. From there, Digital River will suggest a digital experience platform (DXP) or content management system (CMS) to perfectly suit the needs and preferences of your customers and to fit in with their existing buying habits.

Commerce Solutions For Business Of All Shapes And Sizes

You may have your sights set on global domination, or you may be looking to expand into a carefully selected small group of countries that perfectly match your target market. 

Regardless of your aims, there is a Digital River solution for you. The consulting team at Digital River will take the time to get to know your business and your goals – both now and in the long-term.

Complete Order Fulfillment Solutions

E-commerce is so much more than providing payment solutions. Digital River understands that customers expect full-service attention at every stage of the buying experience, including order fulfillment and a simple, intuitive returns process. Digital River offers an order management platform that takes you through every stage of the purchasing process, allowing for every possible contingency along the way. Access up-to-date information on stock levels, order statuses, and global sales, and manage every piece of stock and every order from your tailor-made order management platform.

Secure And Convenient Payment Processing

Digital River offers robust yet adaptable payment processing solutions tailor-made to suit the needs of consumers all over the world. Just as you prefer to pay in your local currency and with your preferred payment method, your customers – no matter where in the world they may be located – will keep coming back to companies that allow them the same freedoms. 

Digital River calls this the Onshore Advantage, and it is this technology that has allowed countless businesses to continue to grow their conversion rates in every jurisdiction.

Protect Against Data Privacy And Taxation Breaches

Data privacy and taxation laws and regulations continue to change and be strengthened around the globe. 

When you are running a global business from a fixed location, ensuring compliance with varying regulation schemes such as PSD2 and a GDPR and filing appropriate taxation records in every trading jurisdiction can seem like a full-time job in itself.

By choosing Digital River to handle your payment processing needs, you never again need to worry about taxation and data privacy compliance. Your brand’s reputation will remain undamaged and you will be completely shielded from the risk of fines and litigation as the experts at Digital River ensure your ongoing compliance with laws and regulations in every jurisdiction you transact in.

All The Tools You Need For Global Expansion

Digital River has all the tools already in place to help your company expand on a global scale. 

With an impressive existing global infrastructure, choosing Digital River to handle your online payment processing allows you to tap into 46 currencies, more than 70 payment methods, and almost 200 bank connections. Never again will you need to make your own contacts in unfamiliar jurisdictions: Digital River has done all the heavy lifting for you. When you’re ready for global expansion, the simplest and fastest way to get the ball rolling is to take advantage of Digital River’s existing financial infrastructure.

Notable Digital River Customers

Some of the biggest names in online retailers already trust Digital River to handle their online commerce and subscription billing transactions. From home appliance and technology company Bosch to consumer electronics company HTC, and video game company Ubisoft to multinational automation conglomerate Siemens, when you choose Digital River, you’re in good company. That’s why at Asquared Agency, we’re proud to partner with Digital River.


You’ve come to expect a lot from Asquared Agency. We promise expert level WordPress web development solutions and we continue to exceed all expectations with every website we deliver. Now, our Digital River partnership takes us to the next level, allowing us to offer you world-class commerce solutions tailor-made to suit your brand. To find out more about the WordPress development services we offer or how our new partnership with Digital River can benefit you, contact the team at Asquared WordPress Agency today