Isolated At Home? Maybe It’s Time To Launch Your New WordPress Idea

The coronavirus (COVID-19) is only a few months old and it’s already had an enormous impact on the world. 

Many people are isolated in their own homes – whether as a preventative measure to avoid catching the virus or because they’ve recently returned from an overseas trip or have been in contact with someone with a confirmed coronavirus diagnosis. Whatever the reason, one thing remains certain: we going to be spending a lot more time isolated at home in the coming weeks and months.

Some people will be able to continue working in their normal jobs from home, while other people will have to find something else to do during their isolation. If you’ve had a business idea playing around in the back of your mind for a while, this might be the perfect opportunity to bring your idea to life.  

If you’ve ever thought of starting your own website or online store, now is the perfect opportunity. In a few months, the world will hopefully have returned to normal, and we’ll all be busy back in our normal day jobs. When that time comes, imagine how pleased you’ll feel knowing that you put your time in isolation to good use and created a beautiful WordPress website that may even be bringing you a decent side income.

6 Reasons To Choose WordPress To Launch Your New Business Idea

WordPress Is Everywhere

You may be surprised to know just how many of the world’s biggest websites have been created with WordPress. Sites like the New York Times, The Obama Foundation, and even the Walt Disney Company are all built on WordPress. WordPress is easily the most popular and widely used website platform in the world.

Be Limited Only By Your Imagination

WordPress may have started as a blogging platform, but it hasn’t been limited to blogs and other information style websites for many years. No matter what type of website you’re looking to create, rest assured that WordPress can handle it. You may need to install a couple of essential WordPress plug-ins and tools to help you customize your website, but with WordPress, you truly are limited only by your imagination.

Minimal Startup Costs

As far as business ideas and side hustles go, launching a WordPress website is relatively inexpensive. 

The WordPress software itself is free, so the only costs you need to factor in are your domain name and web hosting. 

We’ll discuss this in greater detail later on in this article.

Build A Side Hustle

Gone are the days when WordPress was solely for blogs and news sites. Today, thanks to e-commerce integrations and free WooCommerce extensions it is possible to create a beautiful and profitable online store, selling anything from physical products to information, ideas, and services. Even if you’re looking to create a blog or information based website, you can consider running ads on your site to bring in some side income.

Concentrate On Ideas, Not Coding

If you’re interested in coding, there is an enormous world to explore within the backend of your WordPress website. However, if you’re just looking to create your website from the front end without getting caught up in complex coding, there is no need to. WordPress can be as simple or complex as you need.

Increase Your Site’s Functionality With WordPress Plug-Ins And Tools

WordPress is an amazing resource on its own, but it’s functionality all but explodes when you consider the enormous range of free WordPress plug-ins and tools available to download and add to your site. No matter what you want to do with your WordPress site, you can almost guarantee that there will be a free plug-in or tool to help you achieve whatever you want – from creating online forms integrating social media into your website, and even accepting online payments with ease.

Getting Started With WordPress In 4 Easy Steps

Choose Your Domain

No website is complete without a unique domain, and choosing your domain is usually one of the first creative decisions you get to make when launching a new WordPress website. 

Domains can range in cost from a few dollars a year to thousands, depending on the popularity of and demand for the domain you choose. You can either rent a domain name directly from a domain name provider, or you can bundle your domain name when choosing web hosting.

Purchase Web Hosting

Before you can launch a website, you will need to have somewhere to host your site on the Internet. 

Several powerful and reliable hosting providers can make hosting your website a quick and easy process. 

Many hosting providers will offer to bundle your domain rental in the same package, and some will even install WordPress on your new site for you.

Install WordPress

If your web hosting provider doesn’t include an automatic or one-click WordPress installation, you’ll need to do this yourself. The WordPress software itself is free, as are all the ongoing updates and security patches you’ll need in the future to keep your website up-to-date and secure. Installing WordPress can be a little daunting the first time you do it, but the process gets easier over time. If you’re having trouble, it may be worth hiring a freelancer to take care of the WordPress installation for you. If you find someone who is experienced with WordPress, finalizing a fresh installation will take less than five minutes, so make sure you don’t overpay for this service. 

Your freelancer can also help you point your new domain name to your website if that hasn’t already been completed.

Customize Your Site With A Theme

Now that you have your own domain name, you’ve organized web hosting and have a fresh installation of WordPress, it’s time to customize your site by choosing a WordPress theme. 

Every WordPress site has a theme, which will not only change the look and feel of your website but also provide different levels of functionality depending on the type of theme you choose. The WordPress repository (easily accessible directly from your WordPress dashboard) has an enormous amount of free WordPress themes to choose from, or you can opt for one of the amazing Premium WordPress themes available for purchase. If you’re not sure whether to settle for a free WordPress theme or spring for a paid version, read the 7 benefits of a premium WordPress theme.  


These next few months will likely be recorded in history, much like the moon landing and the death of Princess Diana. “What were you doing during the coronavirus back in 2020?”, people will ask.

What would you like your answer to be? Like many people, will you have binge-watched countless shows on Netflix? Or will you have spent that time productively, bringing a secret business idea to life and creating your own WordPress website?

If any of the above steps sound a little daunting, get in contact with our team at Asquared Agency. We live and breathe WordPress and would be happy to guide you on setting up a new WordPress website, answering any WordPress questions you may have. Feel free to contact us today.